Favorite song

One of my favorite song is called lost boy by Ruth.B the reason why I choose this song  because it talks about  how she was alone and had nobody to talk and had no faith in herself. But one day someone came and made everything better and when she had no hope a miracle came wich made her happy. As she just hit rock bottom there was a light that got her back on her feet. Then she says that she is thankful and know they are best friends and see each other everyday. That know she will never be lonely ever again because of him. I think this would be a good song to use as a poem because you can thank about how you were depres and sad with no one beside you. Then you can say that there was a light and there was someone at the end that gave you faith. Or that there was someone that actually cared and had stacked beside after you were sad. These are the reason why I think this song the meaning would be good for a poem
