Winter break

This winter break I did read a little bit but mostly I went shopping and I went to game stop and bought 8 video games with my money and basically played them all 2 weeks. And I also had to take care of my sister while my mom was at work but I got to play video games while she was gone. I did do all my homework I even stood up at 2 in the morning on saturday to do my ixl and I just found out it wasn’t do till Friday I was mad 😠 I was so tiered the next day I woke up at 10:30. that day I’m so glad it wasn’t Sunday cause I would have gone to school that day but at least I got to finish it all don’t have to worry about doing it anymore so that kinda good.but most or the break I was just sleeping and playing video games while my mom was at work for me it was amazing for me but the bad part of that I had to watch my sister and she is so annoying but I have to anyway but that was basically all I did for winter break it might  have been. Boring  to you but I know I had fun.
