New Years resolution

its 2018 a new year and a new resolution. My new year evolution is is not to be shy to raise my hand in class especially math class I get super shy in that class for some reason but I’m going to try  if I’m not able to reach my goal there is always 2019. Also another new year resolution is to is not to get any falcon fouls so far have zero and I hope it stays like for the whole school year. Today I almost got one but the teacher understood that it was an accident so that was good but I am begging not to get one or Mabel the hole middle school but and don’t think I can do it but I will give it a shot and hopefully I succeed .also my last new year resolution is to not get a detention cause not once  in elementary school I have got a detention eaitner so I want to keep that going in till high school is probably where  I might get a detention but I’ll try not to. So this is basically my new year resolution I hoped you have enjoyed my blog of my new year resolution.
