I can’t wait till incentive day when we took the quiz I choose technology and I think moregority of people have picked that cause you get to bring your phone to the room. But for some people you have to go to a different room if you didn’t get higher then 2 and you have to talk about how you can approve for 30 minutes but for the other 30 minutes you get to go in incentive room and do what you picked for the remaining time. And it will be on thursday I’m guessing the teacher did this because they want to do good on the map test and actually try then you reward would be the incentive room for working if you get more than 2 higher.and I think the other options were open gym,and the watching car 3 or the grinch but I didn’t like any of thoes options so I choose technology. But I been waiting this week and last week till the incentive room and I think I’m not the only one also just 3 more days and I know it is going to feel like a week or mabey not just depends how my days go. So yea Basically that is the point of having incentive day with him I can’t wait to have.
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